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flexheader3 Help Information: The images below will be used from top to bottom. The first image wins

flexheader3 uses this folder for its images: /images/spec/ , the full pathname is: /var/www/vhosts/lyritis-bioline.gr/httpdocs/images/spec/

Name of your header-image for this site itemid179-id26
Name of your header-image for the menu entry: itemid179
Name of your header-image for the parent menu item (if applicable): no parent menu entry
Name of your header-image for the current category; category11
Name of your header-image for the current parentcategory: no parent-category
Name of your header-image for the current component: com_content

This image was found and will be used at the moment: default.jpg

Reliable, high quality systems with low operational cost


Waste Management

LYRITIS BIOLINE S.A. offers counseling services for Waste Management to clinical laboratories.

Waste Management is regulated by H.P. 3759/2031 “Measures and Conditions for Medical Waste Management from Healthcare Units” as announced on the Government Gazette No. 1419 on the 1st of October 2013.

The cost of waste management per blood draw depends very much on the laboratory’s distance from the incineration station of A.C.M.A.R.

Generally, the cost is broken down to collection and incineration or sterilization cost.

The incineration cost is defined by A.C.M.A.R. (Association of Communities and Municipalities in the Attica Region). The collection cost is the compensation of the company that collects and transports the waste to the incinerator or the incineration plant. The collection cost varies according to the distance and is flexible i.e. it can be settled with the collection company.

For LYRITIS BIOLINE S.A. the after sales technical and scientific support is of major importance.
