
flexheader3This help information window can be disabled in the module settings on the right upper side Show Help information on Frontpage.
flexheader3 Help Information: The images below will be used from top to bottom. The first image wins

flexheader3 uses this folder for its images: /images/spec/ , the full pathname is: /var/www/vhosts/lyritis-bioline.gr/httpdocs/images/spec/

Name of your header-image for this site itemid179-id15
Name of your header-image for the menu entry: itemid179
Name of your header-image for the parent menu item (if applicable): no parent menu entry
Name of your header-image for the current category; category11
Name of your header-image for the current parentcategory: no parent-category
Name of your header-image for the current component: com_content

This image was found and will be used at the moment: default.jpg

Technical services provider and scientific counselor


Scientific Support

LYRITIS BIOLINE S.A. realizing the delicacy of the area it operates maintains a department of scientific support of the highest level.

The department is staffed with personnel holding University degrees such as:

  • Biologists,
  • Chemists,
  • Chemical Engineers,
  • IT professionals

All of which are readily available so that customers feel safe and secure.

The personnel of the scientific support department participate in continuous training sessions and attend all international and local congresses and catch up with the latest developments in science and technology.

Among the department’s duties are:

  • Informing public and private sector customers of the company’s offered products and services.
  • Submission of technical and economic proposals adapted to the existent conditions.
  • Customer training in the use of analyzers and consumables.
  • Ensure the perfect operation of instruments and produce absolutely safe and credible test results in co-operation with customers and using contemporary quality control systems.
  • Provide scientific and technical guidance to customers in order to facilitate their everyday routine and ensure that they offer health services of the highest level.
For LYRITIS BIOLINE S.A. the after sales technical and scientific support is of major importance.
